Behavioral Services

An Expert Team Delivers Individualized Support

Ensuring the people New Hope Community supports are living their best lives, our Behavioral Services team enhances emotional and mental health and helps break through barriers. We work to provide support, expertise, individualized attention and intervention, and ensure all aspects of well-being are consistently addressed.

For people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, quality of life doesn’t just happen – there needs to be a plan. Our Behavioral Services team consists of experienced professionals that work with each individual and their core team. This core team is made up of their House Manager, Nurse, Behavioral Intervention Specialist, and in the Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) homes, a Qualified Intellectual Disability Professional (QIDP).   Together they create and review every person’s personalized plan of support to maintain a personal level of understanding and confirm that outcomes are successful.

With a holistic approach, the team addresses every factor that may be impacting a person’s treatment goals, ensuring optimal support necessary to reach each person’s highest potential. The team executes a person-centered approach, considering all aspects of a person’s life when developing specialized plans. Further, they train all direct support staff in these plans to ensure that they are effectively and consistently carried out at every level.

Our team consists of experienced professionals in the fields of Psychology, Social Work and related fields.  Team members also undergo frequent training to ensure the latest advances in clinical treatment are employed in the pursuit of individual success.

Through innovation, non-traditional settings, an interdisciplinary approach, and evidence-based practice, our Behavioral Services team helps individuals express their emotions, deal with anger, and navigate complex emotions that could act as barriers to individual success. As a result, individuals have been able to maintain healthier lifestyles and a higher level of functionality. It’s one very important way New Hope Community helps brighten the spark that lies within, lighting the path to a better quality of life.

For more information on how we can assist you, please contact Amy Cavaliere, LCSW, Director of Behavioral Services, at 845-241-2756 or via email at