Imagine a place where your loved one feels valued as a community member; a place where they are supported while learning to become independent; a place where they are free to show off their creative expression; a place that offers the opportunity to hone their talents. New Hope Community is just that place – a place to learn, where life skills are immersed with support professionals who create environments of innovation, a place where strengths, talents, personal direction and accomplishments are discovered, a place that is dedicated to enriching the lives of the people it serves and fostering ever-increasing independence and opportunities.
Since 1975 New Hope Community has been empowering the lives of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). At New Hope Community we have chosen to invest in programs and spaces that are unique in our field. We believe that these elements make us a premier point of support for people with I/DD. Through teaching, coaching, encouragement and role modeling, New Hope Community advocates for people to integrate into and participate in the wider community. We offer the rare gift of connection, appreciation and friendship with remarkable individuals who have unique personalities, interests, and abilities.
We are a committed and dedicated team that believes in our purpose and puts those we support first. With thirty-eight residential homes, day habilitation, Without Walls program, supported employment, equine therapy, music and art therapies, holistic wellness programs, sports, Special Olympics and Hope Farm, New Hope Community’s holistic approach towards supports and services enriches and empowers lives.
Our Story
On December 7th, 1975, New Hope opened its doors and began transforming lives. During this humble beginning, our agency was comprised of 10 staff and 17 adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. In the late 1980s, what started out as a private residential school became a not-for-profit community residential program. Over the years, New Hope Community has dynamically grown and changed to become a leading Hudson Valley provider agency for people with I/DD. We now support person-centered lives for hundreds of people through our 40 residences, as well as our day habilitation, supported employment, community habilitation, site-based respite, short-term family assistance, and self-direction supports.

On January 1, 2020, we further expanded by merging Select Human Services (as a division) into our New Hope family. Select Human Services supports close to 711 people with I/DD in the lower Hudson Valley through a diverse and unique array of community-based supports and services that perfectly blends with New Hope. New Hope Community now reaches from the beautiful Catskills down to Westchester County. Combined, we have an extended footprint, the ability to offer greater choice in supports and services and the opportunity to realize wider and deeper, dynamic change.
It’s always a gift when one’s story can add a new chapter that speaks to such positive change. We have been and always will be, mission-driven and are prepared now more than ever, to empower people with disabilities.