Day Habilitation WOW

New Hope Community’s Day Habilitation Without Walls (WOW) program is a community-focused program that promotes educational and learning opportunities to become valued participants within local community activities. These person-centered activities are based on the goals and preferences of the individual. Participants develop interpersonal, communication, work, social and problem-solving skills while gaining independence and self-esteem.
Program participants often engage in offerings that expand beyond local Sullivan County. They engage in activities throughout the Hudson Valley including parks, museums, libraries, and recreational outlets. By participating in community-focused activities, people broaden their knowledge base while cultivating new interests, friends, and social skills.
The WOW program provides a structured calendar of events and offers a person-centered curriculum. We offer a variety of learning experiences through educational classes in the areas of art, music, gardening, and more. We also encourage healthy lifestyles through exercise programs and healthy cooking classes. We give back to the community through volunteerism at a variety of locations in Sullivan County including delivering donated food to the SUNY Sullivan Food Pantry, Sullivan County Federation for the Homeless, and Saint Andrew’s Mission Food Pantry. We also support local animal shelters by delivering donated blankets, towels, milk, food, litter, and dog leashes to Rocky’s Refuge Animal Rescue & Sanctuary and Sullivan County SPCA. Additionally, we deliver donations directly from ShopRite to Catskill Animal Rescue (CARE). Other volunteer opportunities include supporting Meals on Wheels, visiting nursing homes, planting and maintaining garden beautification projects, as well as many other rewarding activities that allow participants to continue to learn and grow.
In addition to community-based involvement, there is also a lot of fun to be had! Every summer we offer a fun camp experience allowing for a great variety of activities that cater to every participant’s interests.
Our Liberty Building opened in March 2020 and has become a vibrant program expansion site for New Hope Community. This specialized space has become a location for innovation that provides engaging activities and creates opportunities for community involvement. It offers hands-on experiences in technology instruction, culinary lessons, creative expression, fine arts, fitness, and job readiness. Woven within and throughout the community, the WOW program enhances life skills and people’s sense of well-being in a person-centered manner.